Thursday, September 30, 2010

Brad Dorius.. hilarious.
 Really though, he's great. I had quite the funny texting convo with him tonight. I enjoyed it thoroughly. So I decided I needed to share it with somebody. Hope you enjoy it (:

*Brad  *Me
{We were talking about what they eat in Korea}
What's the main food over there?
I'm not really sure exactly. They eat a lot of fruits and vegetables I heard. And rice. Oh they also eat dog. haha.
Dog?!? That is disgusting.
Haha yeah. Dog soup. I guess they breed dogs for it too. Yum.
Oh gross. Please tell me you're going to avoid that at all costs.
Heck no! Half of my blood stream is filled with vaccines. I'm going to eat everything.
Brad! You can't eat dog!
Why not? We eat cows here. They're pretty similar.
Cows and dogs are not similar.
Sure they are. They both have four legs. And fur..? Do cows have fur?
Hair. Close though. Well. Maybe it's fur..? But dogs are pets!
So are cows. For some people. Haha. Don't you know I have a pet cow?
What? You have a pet cow?
Yup. He plays in my backyard. His name is Jeffry. Sometimes he sneaks in bed with me. It's kinda annoying.
hahahah. Ok. You are ridiculous.
Haha ok yeah, I lied. I don't have a pet cow. I eat cows. And soon I will eat dogs. And maybe even small children.

And now this is what we're talking about right now: {our ukuleles}
I can't get mine tuned! And I'm so frustrated!
Haha I'm sorry. Do you remember how?
I tried. But failed.
The strings are C E G A from lowest to highest. If that helps.
Well I looked in my book. but I'm just terrible with it. ha!
Oh you don't have perfect pitch? That would make it hard.
Ew! Get out of here!
Haha I was just kidding. I don't have perfect pitch. I only wish I did. I'm way jealous of people who have it. It's like a super power.

Yup. I certainly love him. A lot. he's great. I'm excited to write him on his mission. He asked me if he could write me in Korean. I told him a sentence or two. He also told me that Mary freaked out when he asked her if he could write her in Korean. And she threatened him. hahah! Oh. He really just makes my day whenever I talk to him.

So, thank you Brad. For making my day so much better (:


Mary Dawn said...

yeah. that made my day better too. i love you both. me and my roommate enjoyed that.

abbey rose. said...

I WISH I HAD PERFECT PITCH. more than anything in the WORLD.