Saturday, September 11, 2010

some birthday magic.

Alright. I guess it wasn't really that magical. Twas fun, though. Yesterday was Dylan's birthday. Today was papi's. But Dylan's mom threw him a birthday party today.. it was fun! Here's a few of the promised pictures:
Some of us have major diving skills..
He pulled his towel up around his head
 and was saying in an english accent
"spare change for the poor?"
ha! this boy is hilarious.
B-man has quite the funny "old man" impression.
He walks around all hunched over, holding his back,
and shaking his hand like he's holding a cane.
Then he says in his squeeky-shaky "grandpa voice"
"You keeds get outta my gardiin!"

I'm pretty sure we had a little too much fun with the hats and glasses.. haha!
It was such a great night.
Happy birthday broseph. (:

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