Wednesday, September 22, 2010

the dream.

I'm sick. It's grand. Ok, not really. But it does make for some really good dreams. And the one I had last night is top notch. ha! When I woke up this morning I literally laughed. So, I decided that I need to share it. That's how good it is. I wish you could all have the mental image of it that I do. But you can't. So I'll do my best to describe it in detail. Alright. Here we go.

A girl had been murdered, and her body was hidden in an underground pipe. So there were all of these cops and people gathered outside forming search parties. Kyle and I were inside the pipe with these giant pieces of tinfoil. The cops had hired a search alligator to find the body of the girl. So Kyle and I were fanning the air from the pipe into the alligator's face so he could get the scent. Then the cops released it into the pipe to go find it. As the dream progresses, more and more people are entering the pipe, but not coming back out. The cops were starting to get worried that the alligator was killing the people, but nobody wanted to go investigate. Kyle, being the brave soul that he is, decided to go down into the pipe to find the alligator. Nobody wanted him to go, but he wouldn't listen. After a while he finally returned. He was all bloody, and his brains were hanging out of his head, and his wrists were bruised. I held him in my lap as he was dying, and asked him what had happened. He whisper/mumbled something, but I couldn't understand what he was saying. I asked him again as I lowered my ear to his mouth, and he whispered "Mom did it." By now I'm irate. So I'm yelling for a cop and a medic, trying to figure out what's going on. Meanwhile, all of the people who went down to find the alligator are discovered dead. Nobody can figure out who the murderer is, or what's going on. I look into the pipe, and an old school elevator starts to come up out of it. On top of the elevator is my mom, crouched down with a crazy look on her face. Everybody points to her, and starts yelling to catch her. Right before somebody gets to her, another elevator comes down and smashes her. And that was the end of my dream.

hahahah! I was dying. Really. If that dream had any meaning behind it, I'm definitely stumped. I'm such a weirdie even in my sleep. I can't wait for tonight to see if any more odd dreams come about. Hope you enjoyed that. And hopefully it made sense.

1 comment:

Josie Larson said...

hahahaha oh my gosh this dream.. CRAZY!