Friday, July 16, 2010

I certainly hope...

..that my dreams aren't predicting the future. At least not the near future, anyway. Last night I had quite the funny little dream. Melissa and I were both pregnant. I don't know why, but for some reason I have pregnant dreams quite often. Anywho, we ended up having our children on the same day. Melissa had a girl and I had a boy. She named her newly acquired daughter Kiwi Anne. Yes. Kiwi. I was going to name my son Kaizer, but everyone told me it was an ugly name. I was upset. Because I actually really do like that name. Then I was going to name him Kelton. Which I also quite like. Nobody seemed to accept my names, but for some reason Kiwi was a perfectly normal name. *sigh* Melissa worked in a library. And I remember she had an adorable stroller. It was the same material that mom just made an apron out of. Brown with a pink paisley design all over it. 

I've been having really weird dreams as of late. Washing machine shopping, giant red rooms. You name it. I need to see my brother's dream book. The one he has it super cool. You look up things that stand out in your dream. Like colors, numbers, letters, or certain events that happen. One time I had a dream that four of my bottom teeth turned yellow and rotten and fell out. I don't remember what everything stood for, but basically the color, number, and the meaning of "rotting teeth" related to my life. I had another dream one time that a huge hole appeared in the earth and everything fell into it. So I looked up natural disasters, and it said if you have a dream of an earthquake, or a hole appearing in the ground, then you have something going on in your life, like a life changing decision. At the time I was trying to decide where I was going to go for college and what I wanted to major in. It was insane-o. Dreams really are so crazy. My brother tells me that he prays for his dreams to tell him the things that the Lord wants him to know. I know it kind of sounds silly, but it really is amazing. 

So, let's hope I'm not being told to have children anytime soon. (: