Tuesday, October 12, 2010

one doll hair.

Sometimes I have these "duh" moments in life. In the moment I feel like a total dumb head, and then I promise myself to never do it again. Well. Here's my stupid moment that I had months ago... and repeated tonight. *sigh* I think one day I'll be smart... at least we can hope, right?

So I made a quick little trip to the dollar store to purchase some ribbon and chocolate chips. Upon finding my items amongst the million other out-of-place random things, I sat and stared at the shelves. Here's the conversation that took place in my brain:
*hmmhmhhmmm*  {humming}
choco-choco-chips: check.
Ribbon: check. 
siyuck! time to leave
... wait a minute. 
how much do these cost?
maybe it says under here..
nope. Nothing. 
Back of the bag?
what the...
Where the FREAK is the price for these things?!

By now my brain is a raging inferno of madness. I was ticked. I was already in a hurry, and then I get to the store, and nothing is priced. How in the world was I supposed to get out of there in a timely fashion? 

And then it hit me:
You're in the dollar store. Dollar store. It costs $1.00

1 comment:

Mary Dawn said...

haha. you would. i love you. :)