Tuesday, August 3, 2010

one. two. brownies. wedding.

 That's the number of emotional breakdowns I've had today.

But it's ok. I'm doing better now.
I went to work this morning. And I could feel a beast growing in my head. I took some advil to calm it, but obviously it didn't do enough. When I got home and had Emotional Breakdown Number One, which was when my throbbing headache quickly escalated into a migraine. So I climbed into my bed {still in my work clothes} and slept for a solid four hours. I then awoke. With my headache still hanging on for dear life. It's still here. But it's better than what it was. Getting worse though.

Anywho. I had Emotional Breakdown Number Two when I took some pictures over to a family friend's house. So I then ventured back home, where I am now. And I decided I was going to make some brownies. So I began. And then realized we had no eggs. I almost cried. But then I gave up. So, this is how far I got:
Some melted butter.
Some flour.
And a greased pan.
That's as far as I got. At least I tried, right?
*sigh* I don't really want to go to work tomorrow.. bleh. Oh well. I need the money. But Wednesday morning Chad and I are leaving for Park City!! I'm SOOOO excited! It's gonna be a good week.

Also. Melissa's brother Jaden got married to Tiffany this weekend!! Ah. I loved their reception. You can check out Melissa's blog. She talked about it. Here's a few of the pics I took..
She's really pretty.
And he was my wedding buddy.
We drank Italian sodas together.
'Twas swell.

It was a super good wedding. I quite enjoyed myself. (:

And now guess what I'm doing?
Eating some cinnamon toast crunch.
I had to feed my sugar craving one way or another!
ok. Now I'm going to sleep.


MEL. said...

galexy. just remember i love you. k? and just keep breathing. you'll be okay. no more break downs, alright? i'll be home soon. :)

Anonymous said...

Alex, lets just say I completely adore you! I laughed through that whole thing! Its the music at work that creates the headaches... have fun on your trip with chad! don't do anything I wouldnt do ;] Have fun!....next time you need brownies you let me know I swear I can make them in my sleep. haha i love them. you're the best!

abbey rose. said...

ALEX. i love your blog. everything about it. :)