Saturday, August 28, 2010

innocence: shattered.

I've been ruined for life. College has officially shattered my innocence. And the hope of decent people existing in this world. But, I supposed it was to happen sooner or later. ha! Ok, it really wasn't that terrible. I went to the much anticipated foam dance tonight. It was pretty cool, I suppose. My feet are soaking wet. At first nobody was really there, and then a TON of people showed up. In the beginning there were the few awkward couples that just make it, well.. awkward for everyone around. And then as the groups of people began to arrive, it just became weird in general. I just need my brain to adjust to not being in high school anymore. I see people grinding on each other and my brain is screaming "Where is Officer Brown to break up this madness?!" And then I look around and realize everyone is doing it, and remember I'm not in high school anymore.

Tis odd. I feel like I've been in a secure little bubble my whole life. And it's not even like Dixie is the worst school out there... hopefully if/when I move up north it won't be too much of a shocker.

I might have a heart attack.


Mary Dawn said...

haha come to byu! it's against the honor code to grind :) we're in our own little bubble. tonight we played uno and signs and basketball and it was sooo fun. i miss you.

Unknown said...

Ummm that kinda has a bad connotation. just hope that people read more than the title XD

Alexis said...

Mary: I wish I could be in Provo right now.. seriously uno and signs sounds like such a party. I miss everyone :( and you. I need you back! gah. Call me sometime. I hope you haven't forgotten about me.

Chad: ha. yes. let's hope so.